There was once
in the country far away a white castle with many tall towers with red roofs and blue.
In this beautiful white castle there lived a young prince, his name was Antonio.
Prince Antonio lived all alone in this big castle!
in the country far away a white castle with many tall towers with red roofs and blue.
In this beautiful white castle there lived a young prince, his name was Antonio.
Prince Antonio lived all alone in this big castle!
In a dark and stormy night he knocked on her door an old witch who asked for hospitality for the night, the prince of noble and gentle did not feel right to leave the poor old witch in the rain all night , so her inside and housed in its best room!
The next morning the old witch to thank the young prince of his wonderful hospitality gave him a big egg! He already ... just an egg!

The prince accepted all smiles, gentle as ever, but in the meantime thought-what I will do then this giant egg? maybe I'll make a nice omelette, but tomorrow, because today I have the pie ready! -
So put the egg in a basket in the kitchen near the fireplace, with the intent to have a good pancake and all went and very happy just to eat his pie!
The next morning when he awoke and went into the kitchen for breakfast .... SURPRISE! The egg was hatched in its place was a little dragon!!
Anthony was initially a bit 'scared! She did not know what to do! Of course he had to give up his pancake!
Then he realized that looking good for the baby dragon was quite nice, with its unghiose claws, teeth and wings to trichechino spellacchiate!

decided to keep it!
Antonio built a nice little dragon to his kennel in the living room, right next to the fireplace. They became close friends, they were always together, and finally the prince was happy because he had a friend who kept him company in that big castle!
But the dragon and soon grew to excess in his bed there was more, then Antonio's largest built a doghouse!
But the dragon continued to rise and fall also learned to spit FIRE!
The fact that the dragon breathe fire was initially a great advantage! When was the fireplace to light the dragon sfiammeggiava and a second fireplace was burning, if there was to do the barbecue so much better ... in a few moments here mel pile of hot coals!
The problem came when Dragon got a cold!
the first sneeze on fire the couch! Then he touched the cupboard and a night when he ran in the room of the Dragon Prince Antonio to ask for a handkerchief to blow his nose ... a sneeze fire to the bed! Fortunately, that Antonio was ready to leap out of bed or risk ending up burnt!
's enough just could not continue! The dragon began to be just too big to stay at home and too dangerous! So after having spoken at length Drago and Antonio decided it was better for everyone if Dragon was going to dwell in the garden! And so it was!
Dragon moved all his stuff under the big oak tree near a river. But already the first night the prince was desperate Antonio! Once again alone in his big castle! So he took a decision: he took his sleeping bag and moved under the oak tree with his friend!
Thus they lived together for many, many years happily.
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