There was once a beautiful onion, and big great grandmother who lived in the garden.
onion liked to be lying in the sun and drink fresh water every night Grandma gave her.
He had many friends, carrots, tomatoes and zucchini in particular, which went very well. The vegetables they spent the day in thousands of happy chatter, and never bored! Cipolla was a really mattacchina and made everyone laugh with his jokes and his toys.
One day they invented, to make his friends laugh, do a dance!
So moved his large sprig, the court lifted radicina e. .. began to pirouette in the middle of the vegetable as a real dancer!
Cipolla was really good, pirouetted between lettuce and leeks like a pro!
But haim 'jumps and stands at one point started to peel!
Just a little .... but .... you know 'when you peel the onion ... watery eyes!
All vegetables the garden began to cry, cry and cry! Great big tears, and all had red eyes!
And all cried, "Enough is enough Onion! -
Cipolla When he realized the damage was too late! The whole garden was now wet with tears of vegetables!
From Onion not dance that day 'ever again, but he specialized in telling jokes about Cauliflower and Broccoli!
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