the lion with a toothache
In the middle of the savannah lived a big lion with a nice fluffy mane and the hair soft cloth. The Lion King was the undisputed territory of a lion, a tree had all his
near a large rock where he could crush a nice nap when it was too hot and took precedence over all other animals when they went to drink in puddle of water! The Lionesses, its employees regarding the management of the kitchen, the perfect eranon hunter and always obtains the choicest morsels!

But one day, while eating his favorite dish, a bone stuck in the gum's edgy!
You've got that pain!
The Lion roared loud! Then he began to scratch his gums with Zamponi, hoping to remove the drumstick stuck! But to no avail all his efforts! Then he tried to push hard with the language, but nothing! Even the Lionesses one by one tried to remove the drumstick stuck in the gum ... Nothing!
Poor Leo was really desperate! He was crouched all day near the pool of water, could not eat and the only relief he had was when he drank a bit 'of fresh water! The days passed and the poor Leo was getting worse!

He decided that there was no other solution but to go to the dentist!
He asked for information that the giraffe ra a great talker and always knew everything and everyone and eventually went to the north of the savannah, where the dentist practiced best of all!
When he came to the clinic, Dr. Schimmietta made him lie down with his mouth wide open and using only his expert hands, and his proverbial patience was able to remove the drumstick stuck in the mouth of the poor lion.
The doctor advised the Lion, so that the ugly incident could be repeated again, eating fruits and vegetables recommended to brush your teeth at least three times a day!
Leone was very pleased to have resolved! He thanked the doctor and happily returned home whistling. From that day
Leone never eat more things with bones, teeth and washed regularly and lived happily for many, many years!
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