"Stop the world, I want to get off." It was the end of a carousel advertising a bitter, do not remember.
The character, very unlucky, say the end of all that happened every time.
very current expression: it seems just fine to us. Or am I wrong?
from newspapers a few days ago I learned that the police of a vehicle while a service checkpoint or surveillance, in a street in Palermo seeing two young men on a scooter consider it appropriate to identify them.
at the sight of two policemen, always at the edge of their means, they decide to escape being chased by the police and take Avenue of the contradiction in the Region of Sicily, a thoroughfare crowded expressways and fast means.
The epilogue assume is that following a violent incident with a car front Pasquale Ferrara and Joseph Giuffrida - as they were called the two - died instantly. So far nothing exceptional, I believe.
But continuing to browse the newspapers I read that Antonio Ferrara, a father of two boys died, unable to find peace, said: "I want the truth, I want to know how the facts are - sacred desire of a father! - "... Who killed my son."
But continuing to browse the newspapers I read that Antonio Ferrara, a father of two boys died, unable to find peace, said: "I want the truth, I want to know how the facts are - sacred desire of a father! - "... Who killed my son."
I'm tempted to scream all'affranto father to kill the boy and his friend was the stupidity of the driver of the vehicle.
If he had not embarked quell'arteria busy hand against certainly would be alive but I still read.
The grieving father would like to declare that "Easter was not a thief" and fleeing at the sight of the police because "the scooter insurance had expired." Oh Bacchus!
Who said that fathers are absent to the needs of families today? The distraught father of Pasquale himself knew that it was lacking scooter insurance but allowed that the boy drive the vehicles in any condition.
I wonder what they should do those policemen at the sight of a scooter - a Honda 150 cc. - Trying to disappear, to escape. E 'should be remembered that the occurrence of the two night in Palermo, where robberies, murders, muggings and thefts of scooters are the order of the day! Mmmha!
Read more! "On the matter of Palermo pm Anna Picozzi has opened an investigation against persons unknown. The offense is supposed manslaughter." Manslaughter or culpable suicide? This is a misprint, a typo or a further loss of time in the third position in the State? Mmmha!
But why murder, but manslaughter? I think the police should check a motorist or motorcyclist. It should be road safety and citizenship. Any road user then has to stop at a checkpoint Police and if he would stop and for some reason have decided to escape, as is commonly used to saying, "Fuck her." If we decide to take a road against traffic fleeing high volume of fast traffic has to put in mind that any accident can happen, you can "break the horns," as they say in Sicily, or not?
And then there's the people of Sicily, in Palermo, suffering from the untimely loss of two young men that humanity can do without it, he is doing? gives fire to cars and rubbish bins! Cars of ordinary citizens, civilians with the only fault you have parked your car. Mmmha!
I have nausea! the world is running backwards! I want to get off!
> :-(
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