The Fairy Brontolina
The Fairy
Brontolina lived happily in a small cabin in the middle of the 1000 forest green trees. His house was small but cozy, with a nice comfortable bed and a soft pillow to take a nap.
every night the Fairy Brontolina, when it came time to take a nap, drinking a nice cup of hot milk with biscuits and a nice spoon of honey, then brushed his teeth with care, wearing its nice pajamas, made a pee, he said good night to the 1000 green trees and went to bed. In a few seconds was already asleep, and to sound the alarm did not wake anyone!
But the fairy was a Brontolina very bad fault! Russia! Loud snoring, like a trombone! And this incessant snoring kept her awake all night the 1000 trees! So much so that these poor creatures in the morning had all the leaves down and some of them were really intractable!
Indeed snoring night after night the Fairy Brontolina became louder and louder all the woodland creatures were complaining. Mama Bunny had exhausted all the fairy tales and stories to tell his bunnies in the hope of them fall asleep, but there was rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooooooooonnnnnnnnfffffffffff propio verse with all the noise !!!!!

Then all the 1000 trees and all the animals got together one night on the hill near the waterfall to decide how to deal with this catastrophe! Fairy GrandeAlberoVerde determined to keep awake in turn, so that everyone else could rest; PiccolaErbetta proposed to put a clothespin on the nose of Fairy; MuschioUmidiccio fact often wanted her out of the woods!
Luckily at the end of the Assembly prevailed the goodness of all the inhabitants of the woods!
The next morning they went together to Brontolina Fairy, the calmly and kindly explained that his snoring at night was really unbearable and that it was necessary find a solution. Fairy Brontoloò course very much, she said that she was snoring, that if he snored he would surely noticed!, That the ladies do not snore .... but eventually had to force to capitulate!
Still grumbling pulled out his magic wand and Abra Cadabra .... took a spell to her bedroom! The walls were thick and often become very small and invisible bells that ate the noise of snoring!
Fairy Brontolina That night when it is time to take a nap, drank a cup of hot milk with biscuits and a nice spoon of honey, then carefully brushing my teeth, put on its nice pajamas, face pee, said good night to the 1000 green trees and lay down .... e. ... SILENCE! Fialmente in the forest was silent!
Since then, all serene and quiet nights spent and 1000 trees were able to sleep happily ever after!
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