There was once a beautiful princess who lived in a beautiful castle. She had married Prince Charming and he was happy and content with life!
The Princess was much desired by all his subjects, who were always some great gifts and were very fond of.

The princess was happy and had a great passion. Cooking! She liked a lot cook and every day got up early to go to the market, returning to the castle and shut the kitchen to cook every kind of delicacy!
cook everything from appetizers, dishes, desserts and vegetables .... but the result was always bad, or any recipe seguissde invented! In fact to tell the truth all that the princess was really lousy cook!
Prince Charming was now desperate, he sat at the table at every meal confident something good to eat and yet every time it was a disappointment! He was forced to swallow that filth and to congratulate the princess not to disappoint! She was so nice and kind and put so much effort in what he did just that the prince did not want to tell her the truth!
But just so we could not go! We wanted a solution!
Then the prince called in secret all the good fairies and witches in the kingdom and asked them to find a powerful spell that teach the Princess how to cook well. Of course, fairies and witches were happy to help the princess that everyone wanted a lot of good! They gathered in the den of the witch older and read hundreds of books of spells and hundreds of tried to mix magic potions ... After a few days, fairies and witches called the most the secret prince and gave him a magic ring
. They explained that if the princess had worn the magic ring while the cook would prepare delicious dishes.

The prince thanked the very witches and ran to the castle! She called the princess who had just returned from the market and was about to close in the kitchen and gave her happy the ring, saying it was a present for her love and for his dedication and that he would never have to take it off! The princess was very happy gift, partly because the ring was absolutely beautiful! To celebrate this evening organized a riceviment
or any sort of something good to eat, who prepared for yourself! Everything was really delicious, mouth-watering and then it was always like this!

Since that day, also the prince lived happily for a lifetime!