fun and short tales for children - THE PHANTOM PUZZAPAZZA
Once upon a time in a faraway country in a haunted castle, a ghost they called Puzzapazza.
Once upon a time in a faraway country in a haunted castle, a ghost they called Puzzapazza.

All the villagers refused to go near the castle, just did not want to know the ghost Puzzapazza and he asks you why. He had never scared anyone and combing and trying to always dress well, was polite and asked to please ....
So just could not understand why everyone avoids it.
A rainy night in autumn, a traveler arrived at the castle, the enchanted castle was not an inviting place to spend the night, but was now very cold and dark and the storm was strong. So in spite of the traveler decided to knock on the door of the castle.
The Phantom Puzzapazza not believe her ears and was very happy to have visits! made to accommodate the traveler in the castle with all the honors, but just as he came into the living room I run a PRRRRTTT! Mamma mia! The traveler almost fainted the smell! So the ghost Puzzapazza aiutorlo and tried to support him but PRRRTTT! Another had escaped him! The traveler was really desperate for the smell! Running away in all the rooms of the castle looking for a room
less smelly, but the ghost was following him trying to apologize and agitation continued to do PRRRTTT and PRRRTTT! The wanderer escaped from a side door and ran ran and ran as far away as possible!

Puzzapazza was sad and desperate only to the castle.
But the traveler who was a good person, when he began to breathe scented air, he remembered what had been kind to the ghost to welcome him into his Puzzapazza haunted castle and how he tried to apologize, so he decided to help him! But before you go back a form antistaling Muni!
Phantom Puzzapazza not believe his eyes, nobody had ever come to the palace twice!! So aided by the traveler who wore the mask antistaling it was discovered that the ghost only ate beans and then poor bewitched was not his fault that the pe Luzzi ran all the time! After a few days to a more balanced diet the problem that had lasted throughout the life of the poor Puzzapazza was solved! So all the people nearby were invited to a wonderful party at the haunted castle! How wonderful! Everything was fragrant, clean and tidy just like the ghost Puzzapazza like that from that day finally was full of friends with whom he enjoyed a lot!
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