In the land of fairy tales was always night, it was forbidden to laugh and play, eat sweets and cakes and above all it was forbidden to tell stories and fairy tales goodnight!
Children of fairyland were forced to go to bed without anyone telling them not even a short nursery rhyme! This naturally makes very sad for all children, and even their parents! The mothers cradling babies and even sang a lullaby!
The people were really tired of this situation, but did not have the strength to rebel against the evil witch. He knew all sorts of sorcery and was a sorcerer who everyone feared, even in the worlds of fairy tales close!
One day, however, the fairy of dreams, tired of seeing all the kids decided that it was sad do something to save the world of fairy tales from all that misery! Then found the phone number of the Unicorn Magic, who lived in the enchanted world far far away!

called him and asked him to save the world of fairy tales! The Magic Unicorn was the most magical creature of all the worlds of fairy tales! It was also the custodian of laughter and stories of good night! When he learned of the behavior of the evil magician immediately rushed to the country of fairy tales!
The struggle between evil witch and magic unicorn was really hard, lightning and thunderbolts, the ground shook, the sky was red with flames!
not counted and magic spells!
All the residents were hiding in their homes, caves or dens! In short, the clash was
apocalyptic! But luckily the Unicorn magic was stronger and won!

From that day the kingdom of fairy tales was beautiful as we all know it!
And since all children had their fairy tale good night!
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