" Italy is a democratic republic " and so could end the first section the first article of the Italian Constitution, but we Italians for the taste of the exceptional, the search for special features a bit '- or perhaps too much - and then bigots here that the founding fathers dusty, old and has always been more of a neon lit, and I wonder why, with an expert touch, in my opinion, low felt lyricism to add "based at work. "
I never understood why this literary flourish legal I simply preclude call bells and whistles. I am reminded of the most famous phrase of an evil God and boring " ... Man, you work with large sweat" and as if it was not sufficient to keep the rest "And the earth will produce thorns and suffering " .
dell'orpello Want to see the addition in question is due to obtain the graces of the Vatican always present?
The fact remains that these three words appear to be, now more than ever, empty and insipid.
job there is not or it is short and low remuneration nor the State is concerned that much to create or protect him despite the first paragraph of the Italian Constitution that judges, politicians, acrobats, vaudeville whores and politicians to defend a sword.
But where the state is absent is a program that tries to solve a television, even though small, part of the problem of unemployment.
The seven broadcast "The Contract - talented people," where three competitors - "can not but candidates competing!" A little man angry rebukes examiner for dignity hide their faces - will face off in front of cameras and prying eye after a company will choose the best one as a prize will be one million euro.
A trip for two to the tropics.
But then what?
will sign nothing less than a permanent contract.
At worst there is never too late and in fact unnecessary and bloated bells and whistles has become a constitutional program. Tell me ', but you also do not have
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