The price is absolutely expensive, prohibitively expensive. But you have to pay because the culture demands it and the claim and rightly so.
Those with have more young people are hungry. They are hungry for the future. An atavistic hunger.
Those with have more young people are hungry. They are hungry for the future. An atavistic hunger.
I think it was Napoleon, to say that in your belly you see the courage of a good soldier, and these young people are hungry and brave.
Everything starts with the rising prices of flour and products of first necessity and in Tunisia, perpetually choked by unemployment and the wealth is not distributed equally among the population, starting with the first civil demonstrations the first clashes with the police a little less civil, the first deaths, absolutely uncivilized, and, finally, some air, laden with gold, part.
Yes, because Ben Ali, the Tunisian president imposed by Allah and not by popular election, if it is to just leave that country sees fit to carry, in addition to his wife, also a few hundred pounds of gold for immediate needs!
And since the revolution has its own charm and its own secret infectivity, lies first of Mubarak in Egypt - he wanted to Allah -, Libya tremble, shake Algeria and I also read that nations Middle East evolved ( sigh! ) as Syria seeks to address the situation without any concession to the people but ... alerting the army.
Yes, because Ben Ali, the Tunisian president imposed by Allah and not by popular election, if it is to just leave that country sees fit to carry, in addition to his wife, also a few hundred pounds of gold for immediate needs!
And since the revolution has its own charm and its own secret infectivity, lies first of Mubarak in Egypt - he wanted to Allah -, Libya tremble, shake Algeria and I also read that nations Middle East evolved ( sigh! ) as Syria seeks to address the situation without any concession to the people but ... alerting the army.
Yeah, because the people once Assad was to today, however, Assad is inc! - I am ashamed as a thief to beat by two cents but I liked it too -
E 'today's interview with Bashar al-Assad - who always wanted the same Allah as president of Syria - which as usual amazed giornalaro the Wall Street Journal says: "The Arab world is sick."
For news is worth mentioning that Bashar al-Assad - in my opinion one of the virus disease of the Arab world - is the 45 year old son in power since 2000 after the death of his father Hafez - head fiasco - which has governed - more so because he wanted to Allah - for three decades, and Syria with an iron fist.
return to the interview. Bashar " virus " al-Assad said that the Arab world is gripped by a kind of disease caused by decades of stagnation - as if 40 years of power from father and son were not just a cause - and continues with a quotation from remembered for her - hopefully immediate - epitaph: "and where there is stagnation there is pollution, and microbes." Sublime!
What happens to the other countries of the Mediterranean in Syria can not happen just because some time has started a process of reforms "to involve people in decision-making in municipal elections, to a new press law and other amenities equal thickness despite the Human Rights Watch accuses the "youth" to detain dissidents and activists for human rights and impede the freedom of expression. Small feat!
Bashar " virus" to Assad concluded the interview by stating that the scale of priorities of its rogue nation "Safety comes first and the economy the next.
will make sure that "his" people in recent weeks have been marked more restrictions to the Internet and the social forum online.
I really think that could soon from some other plane full of gold Bashar and the Bedouin " virus " al-Assad and I feel fine and I
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