The daughter of a friend of mine to say that it did not understand a topic, theme, or at least a speech using a colorful expression, but highly effective: "I do not understand I've got a chip only lippa! ". The phrase conveys the idea throughout the whole.
Well I do not understand I've got a chip only lippa!
I read that "Facebook is a social platform that lets you connect with your friends and others who work, study and live around you." I have not so familiar with this kind of computer connection, but I too have had the curiosity to try to come into this world very popular and, in some respects, absurd.
After registration I followed the advice to search for old friends and classmates, and what surprised me is that many of those who tried were there. During working hours and office "I requested their friendship" that after a few hours I arrived promptly, a clear sign that many people, or at least many of my acquaintances and friends have nothing better to do than to stay glued in front of a monitor and a keyboard computer. The next day, opening the "About Me", I find five messages.
Curiosity is a woman but I will certainly too few female hormone and it worries me. I open the messages and friend requests, I find two people that I have ever met in my life, calls for two games - and Hotel city Pet Society - and a "Who are you? I do not know who wrote and distrust always presented first. This game, however, with Pet Society. I understand now that this is a boring play that has the advantage of even more stunned than I can think for yourself. After a few days back on my page and read: "John Tizio and Caio Mauro Giovanna commented on the photo of Harry." "What I care! I say to myself.
Scroll down the page and my "Mario Lavezzi has tagged a photo". Tagging , what does tag? I'm not going to deepen. I continue to scroll down the page and found two notifications and I realize I have 158 friends. Who would have thought! I do not have time to respond and write a few lines that suffered other friend requests arrive and impertinent questions make me believe that it is not so much about "old". Only after I learned that those questions were part of the last polls of the "social platform" that had nothing to statistics or science, but they were a hobby. Yeah! a pastime, not much unlike the old "chain letter" of the past.
I do not go out anymore! How do you stop?
answer to the last two friend requests, I write a few words on the board who knows who he is, I give to eat a horse of Pet Society and close it. I
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