I am convinced that a show that I will should talk to understand a particular argument, discuss an issue that fascinates the public at a given time and task of the moderator, irreplaceable and noble, is to conduct the discourse at the heart of the problem and avoid litigation.
Great examples of these shows are the famous David Letterman Show and the best known American and caciarolo Maurizio Costanzo Show now entrusted to the memory of home television. Both drivers knew and know how to handle the host, knew and know how to arouse public attention to the seriousness of the issue and stagger the lightness of a joke to the public, a laugh.
Last night, John Floris led to yet another episode of Ballarò.
theme of the episode of the current crisis in the western world, particularly Europe. The methods for tackling the crisis and hopes for a future better.
The subject is serious and understand something even more useful. But from the beginning we realize that something is wrong. Why should not go. A hateful
mummer - Crozza - opens the transmission satire of circumstance thus indicating which way the political staff is deployed, then an economist, Nobel laureate, discusses the thing solo and finally the conductor has the guests: a dozen , divided by faith and political beliefs in two rows facing each other, and an outside expert - Nando Pagnoncelli dell'IPSOS President, Society for the detection of many statistics that may seem as hateful like they are finally to the most. It lasted
about two hours, including the ubiquitous tediosissima advertising and the time a Floris runs back and forth screaming at the center of two rows of the study for the entire distance of about 12-15 meters from the noise of guests who invested in them and hurled invectives allegations.
The question I always put it: "But is it really necessary and appropriate to invite so many people seem to transmit more than a chicken coop schizophrenic useful for a seminar speaker and, above all, for those who listen" ? I'm right and the facts they comfort me. And in fact ...
the Floris and ran like a madman, desperately trying to mediate guests that now seem to be competing at a bowling club. Cries he trying to establish itself and bring the conversation to the topic of the day, giving the floor to a visitor who cried less, in the case say, and that is immediately interrupted by howls from other another. "Go fuck yourself!" The language used is from a well-known exponent of the Italian left to direct a reporter and "here you go to hell!" and the phrase that a member of the center-right cries at this point to those who want to hear. Ballarò becomes the sports bar.
After a few miles of travel Giovanni Floris closes with an inviting smile pulled the viewer to follow him to the next installment in the background while you can still hear the cries of Guests themselves without any inhibitions and forget to be participants in a program, to be in the homes of many, continue with their gnashing of teeth, with their "I have not stopped!" or "Now it's my turn!" and "Just two words and not interrupt you most" need is someone shouting "Inter W" or to sing "What we care about, but there 'MOUNT!" and the picture would be complete, perfect

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