There once was a storyteller who, like all the singers had to play a little mandolin and a little carriage which went around the country.
When he arrived in a country, down from his wagon, sat on a stool and began to play happily. As he played telling fairy tales he had invented, the stories the children's favorite nursery rhymes and all he knew.
But the really great was that while the storyteller told his tales, alongside his bandwagon, seemed a big bubble! Within this large bubble appeared the characters of the tale he was telling!
So sometimes you could see enchanted castles, monsters and other princesses, knights and dragons others, and many more dolls and cuddly bears chubby!

was really wonderful to see the storybook characters come to life inside the bubble, it was a bit 'like watching TV, but at that time, the television did not exist! Everyone was fascinated by the fantastic tales that come true!
When the storyteller had finished his story, the soap bubble, like all bubbles, burst and vanished in a puff characters. The storyteller went back on his bandwagon and go to another country.
The tale he liked most was to tell the princess happy because the princess was very beautiful and all his listeners, and to tell the truth, too, they were in love!
One day, after much wandering, he arrived in a country where the center of the square there was a wishing well ....
-continues in the next post-
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