There was once a beautiful fairy tale, which had never been written.
spoke of fairies, knights, castles enchanted and magic.
grandparents and grandparents of their grandparents told for thousands of years is always the same, but all a bit thick 'more magic and a bit' more fun, but the story was never written!
So when you wanted to hear everything went well, but nobody could read, and then when it came to deciding the most beautiful fairy tale, this always comes second! Because nobody had ever written!

A very sensitive child he was really sorry for this, but he could not write! It was still small and had not yet learned! But the drawings really knew how to do beautiful, well made and paper colors and began to draw!!
began with some timid line drawn on the paper, but then color after color, page after page that the child was over he painted an entire picture book with pictures which told the whole story!
And it was so beautiful but so beautiful and so colorful designs with the colors but that from that day the fairy tale was undoubtedly the most beautiful of all!
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