Saturday, October 24, 2009

Meralgia Paresthetica Cure


There was once a beautiful fairy tale, which had never been written.

spoke of fairies, knights, castles enchanted and magic.

grandparents and grandparents of their grandparents told for thousands of years is always the same, but all a bit thick 'more magic and a bit' more fun, but the story was never written!

So when you wanted to hear everything went well, but nobody could read, and then when it came to deciding the most beautiful fairy tale, this always comes second! Because nobody had ever written!

A very sensitive child he was really sorry for this, but he could not write! It was still small and had not yet learned! But the drawings really knew how to do beautiful, well made and paper colors and began to draw!!

began with some timid line drawn on the paper, but then color after color, page after page that the child was over he painted an entire picture book with pictures which told the whole story!

And it was so beautiful but so beautiful and so colorful designs with the colors but that from that day the fairy tale was undoubtedly the most beautiful of all!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Winnipeg, Hair Salon, African

saints, sailors E. .. BUOI

It 's true, facciamocene a reason! We can not help but neither saints nor sailors and, least of all, heroes. More than one of our custom is, I am sure, a gene that we carry inside us, the Italians, DNA.

Gene malicious, treacherous, evil, and above all, absolutely useless. A gene that allocation is probably in a helical coil to separate acid in our body, a wire disconnected from the rest of the chain but that will influence the architecture.

Who want to talk? But the 'hero' of today, Vittorio Arrigoni. Equal to others and, like the others, absolutely useless. Useless as Simona Pari and Simona Torretta - the Vispe teresa - such as Gabriele Torsello, Jolanda Occhipinti and so on and so on. I have already written this "bestiary " and is not the case again.

For some 'time I follow the blog of our own - - and today I feel I can be able to write something about it. Until a few days ago our hero was in one of the hottest areas of the world, the Gaza Strip, but I did not understand what he was doing in those parts of the concrete.

were the days of Israeli bombings, military operation called "Lead Time" and Victor was there, in Gaza, along with human rights activists of the ISM - idle but other employees in the social - in run in ambulances, to carry aid to the injured - what kind of aid? - To help the Palestinian population as "victims of the violence of war," as agitated chihuahua taken from the cold to deal with snipers Jews, to be honest, I'm a little bit of sight failing to peck at a target as big as the our "ox."

Among a run on a autoambulaza, a trip to the border with Israeli settlements and a trip on a Palestinian fishing vessel to be always by the same sniper fire - a little bit less since they are able to "catch "loin on the animal we are talking about - he writes! He writes for "Il Manifesto" that gives her dripping Articles as well as tears of blood and gruesome for the verbosity!

To give substance to the articles, and always the same monotonous, there is nothing better than to speak and describe the "crying babies", the horror of "the death of children" Ah! children! How many more copies they sell "children" and their suffering. And if the children died in armed conflicts and our beef publishing the photos obviously sales increase.

Vittorio know and we back up willingly and with more frequency. The photos of his blog documenting the death. But war is war and death is part of the "game" and business, I would add from bad and which are realistic.

And now our mammal, I read his blog, he returned to Italy and want to talk and write about something he has not failed.
What then if you can write here in Europe there are no wars? We need a new idea! Let's see! Berlusconi! All right! And here is his last post "
Italian? Pizza and mandolin berlusconi mafia." Original and, above all, new ! How new is the seal at the end of any idiot article Vik "bull" Arrigoni: human remains.

I would advise to Victor for the next few issues of its provisions. Topics untapped and interesting:
1 - World hunger;
2 - climate and greenhouse gases;
3 - Mafia;
4 - world peace;
5 - the disappearance of the seasons;
6 - strange! I can not think of anything else!

terribly stupid, pointless and sickening
