After years and years of penguins, I'm going to take the plunge. The thing is imminent. In half an hour I will deliver an exact MacPro, two Quad-Core Xeon 3.0 GHz, 16 GB of RAM, 512MB NVIDIA GeForce, two hard drives of 750 GB each, Apple Display 23-inch screen and 1TB Time Capsule . In short, I will not need anything more for quite a while '. Ubuntu Installer under linux Parallel, and I'm going to enjoy fully the apple. I know it may seem strange to you, but this thing closes a paragraph of my life and opens another. Without exaggeration.
The beast, I decided to call Goofy in honor of the famous Walt Disney's Goofy, was made to wait for nearly six months. I had to fight against the system administrators at my university, rather reluctant to give me root access. The result is a real battle, which ended with a victory compromising: I will have to bear under me as if I were their manager, all future Mac users of the department. So far, no one could break through. Now everyone wants to ride the wave instead. Even for I chose this Goofy : coming soon Donald, Mickey and company . Why, you ask those who know me better, switch to Mac OS X boxes after having broken all his life with Linux and Free Software? There are too many things, and here I refer particularly to tools for writing scientific articles, which work well under Mac OS X. Just think of the tools of forward and reverse lookup to and from LaTeX, the ability to write notes directly to PDF, LaTeXiT, which will allow me to write formulas LaTeX directly or charts in a presentation of items. There are a ton of things that are better. Most tell me that people who take this path then never returns. I, meanwhile, with Parallel, I will turn Ubuntu into a window in Leopard, and will continue to unconditionally support and develop free software and platform. I feel a little 'coward, a little' one who has given up. Lately, I have to say, I feel grown up.